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METfit members Donna, Darna, Nance and Jenn working hard turn METfit personal trainer Ted Mueller's Metabolic Conditioning class. Great job…
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METfit member Ron Drago Beast in beast mode benching 335 lb with the specialty bar and chains. Great job Ron!!
METfit client Chris Hughes pulling 765 lb for one rep on his deadlift. Great job Chris!!
METfit member Jess Lima nailing down a new PR -- 215lb squat, retro style. Great job Jess!!
METfit member Brittany Ault climbing the ninja bars with ease and perfection, nice work Brittany!!
METfit member Liz Musgrave climbing the rope, first time ever, and had no problem doing so, nice work!!
METfit member Steve Eaton banging out with ease and perfection 2x3 power snatches at 185 Lb. Great job Steve!!
METfit member Steven Loud banging out 405 Lb squats with ease and effectiveness. Great job Steven!!
METfit member Jen Gilmartin doing an exercise medley this morning during her PT session with Ted. Great job Jen!!