Lea is an ISSA Elite Personal Trainer & Nutritionist with 10 years of experience. Lea specializes in strength training & powerlifting. She’s all about effective programming that will set you up to make the most of your time in the gym. Lea loves working with people who want to get stronger and improve their technique. She helps educate her clients on nutrition so that they can appropriately fuel to support their lifts & daily life.

Lea has been a competitive powerlifter for 5 years and currently holds regional records. She recently set an RPS bench press world record and will be competing at Nationals in October.

Lea’s passion for powerlifting allows her to bring a higher level of coaching to her clients by implementing a variety of cues and feedback that she’s learned throughout her time under the barbell. Lea is a big fan of the basics, and aims to show clients the why behind each movement. Her favorite muscles to train are the triceps.

Outside of the gym, Lea loves to bake protein packed treats and is often chasing her tan by the beach/pool with a good book & energy drink.

Contact info:
Cell: 510.882.7088
Email: leatalliafit@gmail.com
Instagram: @trainwithlea