Portfolio Category: Competition

The Boss Squat

Here is METfit's owner Bob "the boss" Popp squatting 1,000 lbs using the camber bar in the monolift. The bar weight was 600 lbs, there were 150 lbs of chains on the bar, and 250 lbs of band tension on the bar. At the top of the squat the total weight (bar, chains, bands) was…
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Why METfit?

GREAT VIDEO CAPTURES METFIT STORY — Teddy Borgman (Instagram handle @tedbfit), a valuable METfit member, aspiring videographer and all around fitness enthusiast, made a truly inspiring video about METfit that captures its true meaning and purpose...check it out at his bio @tedbfit or the link here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u-YTvx8uOrk .
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Bob 535 Squat – Oct 2016 Meet

Meet day is an entirely different experience from warm ups all the way until you hit the platform. You battle nerves,timing of wraps and nutritional intake while doing your best to perform each lift. Through intelligent meet prep & experience Bob was able to take first in his class on this day. Powerlifting focuses on…
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Sam 325 Deadlift Oct 2016 Meet

Here is Sam in her very first powerlifting meet. Sam pulled an easy 325lb. deadlift to secure a 2nd place finish in her class. Powerlifting focuses on improving performance through technique and progression in three primary lifts: squat, bench and deadlift. In METfit's powerlifting classes participants learn proper form for squatting, benching and deadlifting, along…
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