
METfit Closed

ATTENTION: Regrettably, effective Tuesday March 24th at 12pm METfit will be closed until further notice. Gov. Charlie Baker has issued a stay at home order closing all non-essential businesses until April 7th. If you have any questions or concerns email or call us and speak to the staff for additional information. Thank you!
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Gym Operations during MA State Coronavirus Ban

Dear Members and Passholders: By now you have all seen or heard Gov. Charlie Bakers announcement banning gatherings of over 25 people for the next three weeks. Regrettably this affects the gym. Typically, we have fewer than 25 people using the gym at any given time; said differently, roughly 80-90% of the time the gym…
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Artur Rybak

After weighing in at 385 pounds in 2016, Artur decided that it was time to make a change in order to improve his physical as well as his mental health. Through the years of dedication in and out of the gym, eating right, and setting attainable goals, Artur has completely changed his physique and outlook…
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RPS 22nd Power Challenge Meet

METfit will be the venue for the upcoming Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS) 22nd Power Challenge Meet. We are super excited that RPS has selected METfit to host one of New Englands largest and most competitive powerlifting competitions. This is sure to be a fantastic meet!
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