ANNOUNCEMENT: Per Gov. Baker’s latest announcement METfit will reopen Monday July 6th as part of phase 3.
Our hours of operation will remain the same as they were just prior to the shutdown: Mon—Thur 5am - 11pm; Fri 5am - 8pm; Sat/Sun 7am - 5pm.
Some new gym rules to address COVID include: (1) Maintain social distancing (6’ apart) at all times; (2) Masks must be worn entering and exiting the gym; (3) Masks must be in your possession at all times when in the gym, and worn when social distancing is compromised; (4) Clean and disinfect all equipment before and after use; (5) Do not share equipment; (6) Clean hands frequently with Purell or soap & water; (7) Sneeze and cough in your elbow; (8) If you feel sick do not come to the gym; and (9) No showers allowed until further notice.
Per the Governor’s order, gym capacity will be limited to 25 people at most in the gym at any one time. To enforce this everyone entering the gym must sign in on the sign in sheet at the front desk, and when leaving the gym sign out on the sign in sheet.
We will be accepting new memberships and day/week/month passes. These can be purchased online at our website or in the gym via a staff member.
If you have any questions plz contact the gym at (508) 975-4654.